About PPKM

About Us
L to R seated: Joseph Yeoh, Ir YL Lum, Phang Sau Lian, William Tang, Tan Joon Kai

L to R standing: Darren Hee, Vincent Chong, KK Lim, Michael Poh, Alicia Yuen, Chai Ai Ping, Lee Beng Beng, Andrew Teoh and Chris Chong

Seated in the middle: Nikki Lee and Aw Ik Qian

The Malaysia Shopping Malls Association (popularly known as PPK Malaysia) was formed in 1984 and plays a significant role contributing to the nation’s phenomenal growth in the shopping mall industry and numerous international award winning malls.

As PPK Malaysia is now the recognised spokesperson for shopping centres in Malaysia, members are able to obtain first hand notification and information on nationwide issues and events affecting the industry.

PPK Malaysia is one of the founder members of the Council of Asian Shopping Centres (CASC) which comprises of shopping mall associations from Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Japan. CASC was established in 2004 with the principal objectives of improving multilateral relations and networking of shopping malls in the Asian region and hosting regular annual regional conferences in member conferences.

In our total commitment to ensure the highest level of excellence, the spectrum of responsibilities taken up by professionals in shopping and highrise complex management includes:

Facility Management

Security & Safety

Car Park & Traffic Management

Advertising, Promotions & Event


Public Relations

Financial Management

Human Resource Management

Visual & Merchandise Displays

Legal & Office Administration


The area of managing shopping complexes and highrise is a vital factor in bridging the gap between the physical developments of a building. The levels of expectations by the owners, tenants, shoppers and public are high. The members of this industry segment have a vital responsibility in maintaining this role with utmost integrity.


PPK Malaysia serves to be generous with its networking among the members of the industry. It is through the conscious efforts to be constantly in contact with growing number of entries into this profession as well as affiliated industries that will maintain the vital link to enhance the influence of the Association. Cross border alliances and the growing international links will be able to create better opportunities as well as obtaining the competitive edge.

Info Sharing

Efficient exchange of trade data, ideas, information and experience among the members enhances the management skills. Trends are spotted and could be translated into beneficial propositions.


The bridging role very often requires a centralised and representative entity for the profession to be able to function effectively and efficiently. Presence must be kept visible at various levels of Government agencies, professional bodies, and affiliated industries. Amongst others, PPK Malaysia has provided service and advice and is affiliated to the several government agencies, professional bodies and networking associations in related industries, both within the country and internationally.

Education and Training

National, regional and international study trips are the staple activities as well as discussions, forums, seminars. Any new development in terms of management techniques or technological breakthroughs is immediately re-channelled by way of specialist workshops. These activities are held with Government agencies, statutory bodies, professional bodies, or similar International industry groupings. Beyond these activities, PPK Malaysia will be planning to collaborate with institutions of learning to provide formal academic courses in the area of shopping complex and highrise management covering all the function components. This is to ensure that the flow of expert human resource into the industry will continue.