Jakarta (Security & Safety), November 2018

Jakarta (Security & Safety): 8-10 November 2018

14 participants mainly from the security and operations departments of several members visited Jakarta malls to study their operational aspects. With the close cooperation of and collaboration from our fellow counterparts, Asosiasi Pengelola Pusat Belanja (APPBI), all the 3 host malls generously shared tips on their mall operations from customer relations, security, car park to M&E procedures. Participants visited a total of 5 malls ie Kota Kasablanca, Gandaria City and Pondok Indah Mall plus 2 self-visits to Senayan City and Supermal Karawachi. Participants commented that it was ‘overall good’ and an ‘excellent experience’ although they wished there was ‘less time spent on the road’ due to traffic congestion.