STUDY TRIP 2019 TO SEOUL, KOREA: Sunday, 16 June – Saturday, 22 June (7D/4N)
Greetings and anyeong ha seyo ! We are pleased to announce our long haul study trip for 2019 to SEOUL, KOREA.
Seoul is virtually a paradise for shoppers with its shopping malls and myriad shopping precincts offering much more than their famous Korean skincare products and cosmetics. There are malls to cater to the high-end shoppers as well as bargain-hunters, with merchandise creatively packaged in state-of-the-art buildings to the maze-like street shopping. Shopping in Seoul famously also caters for insomniacs – where you will shop till you drop until closing time at 5.00 am (!) so get ready your stamina for the Korean shopping experience like no other.
We hope to visit several of exciting malls such as LOTTE World Tower & Mall, Starfield COEX Mall, D-Cube City Mall, Mecenatpolis Mall, Times Square Mall, I’Park Mall, Doota Mall, Noon Square, Migliore Mall, IFC Mall, GOTO Mall, Common Ground for participants to focus on building design, merchandise mix, visual merchandising and marketing techniques etc.
Kindly note that the entire trip will only be confirmed subject to the required minimum no. of participants and/or flight/hotel availability etc. and on a first-come-first-served basis. We shall keep you posted in due course of further confirmed details concerning the detailed itinerary etc. Kindly also be informed that the organizer reserves the right to revise details of the Study Trip (including departure dates and flight carriers) subject to availability and solely at our discretion.
For more information, please click HERE to download the circular and registration form or contact our secretariat at Tel: 03-7727 6202.